Unsuccessful Application

Organisations can apply to Postcode Community Trust twice per year. We have three funding rounds in the year for the trust. Our round dates for 2024 are: 

Round 1: 23rd February 9am to 1st March 12 noon

Round 2: 27th May 9am to 3rd June 12 noon

Round 3: 26th August 9am to 2nd September 12 noon

Applicants will receive feedback on areas where they can strengthen their application. However, it’s important to note that taking on feedback doesn't guarantee success in future applications. Some very strong applications are still unfortunately unsuccessful to the high volume of applications we receive.

We are often oversubscribed with high quality applications, meaning that you may be unsuccessful even if your application was strong. We appreciate this may be frustrating. How we prioritise applications when oversubscribed is explained on Page 3 of our funding guide.

All applications are initially assessed by our staff team. Applications then go through our due diligence assessment which is mainly carried out by our partner Brevio. Once this has been completed, applications are reviewed by a trustee funding panel who then approve which organisations will receive funding. All funding decisions are final.

Throughout 2024 we have offered extra feedback sessions to groups following an unsuccessful first applications. This was provided they meet both of the following criteria:
  • Been unsuccessful in 2024 and received feedback on how to improve your application (this does not include any feedback where it advises there was no fault with the application and the application was unsuccessful due to being oversubscribed).
  • Meet at least one of our funding priorities, which are:
    • Have an annual income below £250,000
    • Operate within an area in the top 15% on the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
    • Work in one of our priority groups (Disabled people, LGBT+ people, communities experiencing racial inequity)
As funding rounds have now closed for 2024, we will not be able to meet specifically to discuss an unsuccessful application. If you have any questions for our team, please get in touch at info@postcodecommunitytrust.org.uk